Food Products Traceability

Food traceability is the ability to follow the movement of a food product and its ingredients through all steps in the supply chain, both backward and forward. Traceability involves documenting and linking the production, processing, and distribution chain of food products and ingredients. In the case of a foodborne illness outbreak or contamination event, efficient product tracing helps government agencies and those who produce and sell food to rapidly find the source of the product and where contamination may have occurred. This enables faster removal of the affected product from the marketplace, reducing incidences of foodborne illnesses. FDA

Daily in Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) releases food recalls, advisories, and safety alerts due to the sheer number of traceability incidents that occur in Canada. With the Canadian implementation of the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA), partners across the value chain are required by law to implement a traceability system to ensure safety of the supply chain and health of consumers.

International Bar Coding (IBC) ) is a one-vendor solution that provides traceability solutions to fresh fruit, vegetables, and consumer packages goods producers. With a scalable and flexible implementation, IBC provides all the tools needed from hardware, software, consumables, and services to provide real time data for producers looking to track product from raw material through work in progress to finished product and on to consumers. Whether you’re looking for bar coding, labeling, scanning, automatic identification and data capture, and automation, IBC is the solution expert for food products traceability.

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